Bob Jonkman 2019 trifold Candidate brochure Reverse
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broken down into Page 2, page 4 and page 5 segments
Bob Jonkman 2019 trifold Candidate brochure Reverse
Caption: This page with be folded twice to create a 6 page brochure.
Full text reproduced in Alt Text Description
broken down into Page 2, page 4 and page 5 segments
Page 2 [Image: Bob Jonkman with a team of tree planters in Paris, ON]
Innovative Social Programs
As your MP. Bob will work to
• Protect and Expand Healthcare
When people can’t afford to fill their prescriptions, we all suffer. Canadian drug prices are 2nd highest in the world. We need Pharmacare for all.
• Adopt A National Housing Strategy
Implement a Housing First social housing strategy, invest in the co-operative housing sector yo invigorate the affordable housing market and sustain co-ops facing liquidation. Everyone needs a place to call home.
• Create a National Transportation Plan
Offer rebates on energy efficient vehicles, fund cycling infrastructure, connect our rural and urban communities with convenient affordable public transit. Mobility is a Charter right.
• End Colonialism
First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples have waited long enough. We all need reconciliation and justice.
• Support Universal Education
Free tuition isn’t radical, its an investment in our shared future. The average student debt is $26,000. We need to abolish student debt.
Page 4 Demand Democratic Reform
In 1021 the Parliament of Canada concluded our “First Past The Post” voting system was inappropriate for our multiparty Parliament.
But politicians with disproportionate power are reluctant to limit it.
Canadians want a fair electoral system that:
• Places equal value on every vote
• Encourages cross-party collaboration and unity
• Allows us to develop stable, long-term policies.
• Engages citizens and grows voter turnout.
• Improves Canadian political literacy.
The Green Party is committed to
[Globe icon]
• Decisive Climate Action
Canada can lead the world with the Green Party Action Plan Mission:Possible.
[People icon]
• Innovative Social Programs
Because in a just society, security begins with equity.
[Maple Leaf icon]
• Renewed Democracy
A Proportional Representation voting system won’t just make every vote count, it will provide the stability to do what’s necessary.
Page 5 [IMAGE: Bob Jonkman speaks at a podium at an Indigenous forum at Conestoga College]
Meet Bob Jonkman
Green Party Values inspire Bob’s work for a stronger democracy and the sustainable future Canada needs.
Born in the Netherlands and raised in Burlington, Bob met his partner Laurel at the Caledonia Folk Club; their family includes 1 son and 2 cats.
Professionally Bob is a small business owner and computer consultant. As a Free Software and Open Data Advocate, Bob organizes and speaks at computer user group meetings and events.
Bob’s interest in radio formed in his undergrad days at McMaster brought him to the Board of Directors at CKMS-FM. Recently he featured a group of Paris and Brantford poets on his “Community Connections” program.
When he isn’t volunteering with peace and social justice NGOs, Bob gets in as much cycling, hiking, and swimming as he can, and hopes that one day he’ll find the time to master the stand-up bass he inherited from Laurel’s dad.