2015 Rack-card Back
Bob Jonkman, Green Party of Canada candidate for Kitchener-Conestoga
2015 Rack-card Back
Bob Jonkman, Green Party of Canada candidate for Kitchener-Conestoga
TEXT: Bob Jonkman is a computer consultant who advocates for transparent government, Open Data and personal privacy. A member of the Free Software community, Bob enthusiastically supports the Green Party commitment to Free, Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS) in government and education.
At home in Elmira, Bob has volunteered with the PTA, worked to save Victoria Glen Park, fought the placement of a biogas plant in downtown Elmira, and helped establish his father-in-law’s free Elmira Sunday Concert Series. Since 2007 Bob has championed Proportional Representation as an executive Board member of Fair Vote Waterloo, working to make Canada a better place for his family and yours.
Strategic Voting doesn’t work.
More Canadians are voting for what we believe, which is why today’s Green Party is in the strongest position it has ever been to save our democracy from politics.
Green Party of Canada (logo) Parti Vert du Canada
Platform Highlights
• $1 billion to help emerging technologies entrepreneurs compete internationally
• invest in well-paying, local sustainable jobs
• Post Secondary education tuition-free by 2020
• Fund community supported agriculture, farmer’s markets, small scale farms etc.
• Shift government supported research to organic and sustainable food production
• Commit $6.4 billion per year to municipal infrastructure
• Renew the Health Accord adding National Pharmacare
• National Seniors Strategy that that includes predictable home care and expansion of Canada Pension Plans
• $15/hr federal minimum wage and Guaranteed Livable Income
• Re-open Veteran Affairs offices and restore home postal delivery
• Replace First Past The Post with Proportional Representation.
• Repeal Bill C-51 restoring the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
• Slash the federal advertising budget
LEARN MORE AT greenparty.ca/platform
IMAGE: GPC Leader Elizabeth May and candidate Bob Jonkman